Quantum Optomechanics Lab

Group Members

Our group in the Tucson Mountains, May 2023. From left: Jack, Christian, Charles, Andrew, Dal, Mitul, Daniel (visiting from DTU) and Aman.

Current Members

Christian Pluchar

Graduate Student
B.A. Physics, Amherst (2018)

Aman Agrawal

Graduate Student
B.Sc. Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, VIIT (2018)

Mitul Dey Chowdhury

Graduate Student
B.A. Physics, Cornell (2016)

Charles Condos

Graduate Student
B.Sc. Physics, UT Austin (2020)

Dalziel Wilson

Assistant Professor
Faculty webpage

Jack Manley

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, U of Delaware (2022)

Morgan Choi

Graduate Student
B.Sc. Physics, William & Mary (2022)

Atkin Hyatt

Undergraduate Student
Wyant College of Optical Sciences, U of Arizona (2023)

Andrew Land

Undergraduate Student
Department of Physics, U of Arizona (2024)

Past Members

Edward Schenk

Masters Student

Amir Ghadimi


Utkal Pandurangi

Masters Student

Mailing address:
  College of Optical Sciences
  University of Arizona
  1630 E. University Blvd.
  Tucson, AZ 85721, USA

  Phone: 520-621-2584 (Office)

Last modified: April 20, 2023